EAP Effectiveness

An EAP works at multiple levels of an organisation.

  1. Employees benefit directly from quickly available professional consulting in all life situations.
  2. Leaders, HR officers and works councils have a neutral place they can go to discuss difficult situations and get advice. This reduces the burden on executives, management and the works council.
  3. An EAP works like a safety net for the entire organization; the mere fact that an EAP is in place gives a sense of security and has positive effects


Thirty HR managers in Germany and Switzerland, thirty in Denmark and sixty in Great Britain were surveyed on EAP. 10% of respondents in Germany and Switzerland were unfamiliar with the term. The most important criteria for choosing an EAP provider were quality, reputation, and relationship with the provider. Only about half of respondents in Germany and Switzerland were convinced that an EAP is a good investment. Reasons to continue using an EAP were the desire to offer support to employees, reduce the effects of stress, reduce absenteeism, and boost employer branding. Reasons not to use an EAP were access to alternative sources of consulting, costs, or too few employees. Reasons why an EAP can be rewarding for your company are shown in our EAP Whitepaper, which draws only on studies of high scientific value.

Return on Investment (ROI)

EAPs are very effective and have been shown to have a positive ROI (1.4 to 8.7 according to studies). 

They have positive effects in these areas: 

  • Higher workplace productivity after use
  • Greater security in dealing with mental issues
  • Less absenteeism due to psychological issues
  • Less absenteeism overall
  • Fewer work accidents
  • Less staff fluctuation thanks to fewer illnesses becoming chronic


Would you like to find out more about how an EAP can support your organisation?
Then feel free to contact us! We look forward to providing you with additional information and insights.

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[Translate to English:] Bild von Franziska Bauske und Isabel Wilke

We are very happy to help you

+49 69 9055529-0