Hand in hand for mental health in the workplace - Mental Health Week

Taking the stigma out of mental illness, empowering those affected and setting an example for acceptance and against marginalisation - these are the aims of Mental Health Week. This year, the focus is on the topic of work and mental health. Under the motto ‘Hand in Hand for Mental Health in the Workplace’, numerous lectures, workshops, podcasts and exhibitions will be offered from 10 to 20 October.

Many cities and municipalities, associations, companies, organisations, scientists and artists are once again taking part this year. And INSITE is also taking part! We are supporting the "Aktionsbündnis Seelische Gesundheit" with three online presentations and are pleased to be able to contribute to greater tolerance and sensitisation to the topic of mental health.

Even though a lot has fortunately been done in recent years in dealing with mental illness, those affected often feel alone. For many, it is still taboo to talk about depression, anxiety, addiction and other illnesses, especially in a work context. The fear often resonates here: ‘Am I not good enough? What will others say? How will my employer react?’

We want to encourage those affected, as well as relatives, colleagues and managers, to break the vicious circle of shame and silence. Because: talking helps!

At the same time, we would like to encourage those who are committed to the topic of health in a professional context: With your services, you make a significant contribution to actively promoting mental health. You help to reduce fear of contact and support affected colleagues. You make an important contribution to ensuring that mental health is recognised on an equal footing with physical health.

The Green Ribbon is a visible sign against stigmatisation and exclusion. It was established by the Mental Health Action Alliance as the international symbol for a society that treats mental illness with tolerance. We support this with full conviction.

Show your colours too! Pin on the green ribbon and take a look at the wide range of offers during the Mental Health Action Week: www.seelischegesundheit.net/aktionen/aktionswoche/

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